Custom-built to meet the unique needs of each department, Deccan International’s decision-support software applications help Fire & EMS departments improve their response times, optimize their resources and defend their budgets.

- ADAM (Apparatus Deployment Analysis Module) is a “What if?” predictive modeling tool that uses historical CAD data, GIS map data and a rigorous projection algorithm to project the impact of deployment changes on response times and availability.

LiveMUM (Live Move-Up Module) is a real-time, dynamic, software application that provides coverage monitoring, alerting and move-up recommendations. The system provides emergency dispatchers with automated, optimal move-up recommendations while simultaneously allowing them to continuously monitor and identify any gaps in coverage.

BARB (Box-area Automated Run-card Builder) is a one-of-a-kind software application for automating the building of static run-cards.

DiVa (Dispatch Validator) acts as a standalone back-up in the event of network outage or CAD system downtime.

Featured Video
Deccan International’s mission is to provide the powerful tools Fire & EMS leaders need to make the right decisions for their communities. We create smart, easy-to-use software that takes the guesswork out of managing Fire & EMS services.

Deccan Conference – Coming Soon
Featured Webinar
Join Deccan, Esri, and special guest Chief Dan Munsey of San Bernardino County Fire as they present how GIS can support fire operations including mutual aid workflows and apparatus deployment/location to assist decision-makers during the Coronavirus pandemic.