Planning Your Budget with Data

Elected officials and the community members they serve demand tangible evidence to base their financial decisions on – they want proof. When asked to defend the people and resources that make up their budget, many departments lack the proper tools and data to make informed decisions. Budget changes can be dangerous for departments, leading to sub-standard services that put their own teams and communities at risk. The question then becomes, how can an agency analyze how changes to budgets will impact service levels for the community?

If budget challenges are a reality for your department, Deccan can significantly aid in defending your budget, reviewing station placement for the future, and assessing your current performance. Make the right decisions to maintain the needs of your department, backed by robust evidence you can present to community decision-makers.

Deccan Has the Tools to Help You Defend Your Budget

Powerful Predictive Modeling

Deccan’s ADAM module helps Fire & EMS leaders quickly assess and address the outcome of operational changes such as budget changes, station relocations, and/or station closures or consolidations.


Maximize Limited Resources

Deccan’s LiveMUM is a dynamic, automated, move-up module that assists in providing the maximum amount of service area coverage when resources are limited due to budget cuts – operate with uncompromised efficiency and quality of emergency response.

Automated Run-Cards

Deccan’s BARB automates the building of static run-cards for your CAD system by building error-free run-cards in just minutes, giving you a critical tool for disaster situations that also maximizes your mutual-aid capabilities, especially when resources are limited.

Don't Leave Your Budget to Fate

• Defend your current staffing levels using historical and real-time CAD analysis

• Analyze the impact of a proposed station closure (temporary or permanent) on workloads and staffing at alternate station locations

• Illustrate how budget changes will affect the department’s overall response times

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• Evaluate different redeployment options through real-time testing, leading to more optimal unit positioning and ultimately, a more efficient response

• Take a proactive approach to operational changes when needed via real-time alerts through the LiveMUM Mobile App

• More efficiently utilize existing resources – this equates to less wear and tear on equipment

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• Enhance your GIS department with QA tools to ensure street connectivity and routing accuracy for more efficient deployment models and response time accuracy

• Automate the tedious, error-prone process of updating mutual-aid agreements at both the regional and statewide levels allowing for a more enhanced, deeper mutual-aid response

• Direct your units to the nearest and/or most optimal hospital based on their current location and street speed creating quick turnaround times to get your unit back in service

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