1. ADAM (Apparatus Deployment Analysis Module) is a “What if?” predictive modeling tool that uses historical CAD data, GIS map data and a rigorous projection algorithm to project the impact of deployment changes on response times and availability.


ADAM 3.0

The right information at the right time is critical to effective decision making. ADAM’s powerful deployment analysis capabilities deliver the scientifically justified predictive modeling that departments need for decision-making, reporting, and planning activities.

Understanding the impact that changes to deployment, call volume, road network and hospitals will have on response performance provides lasting benefits to departments and their communities. By assessing the effect of deployment changes, ADAM accurately models strategies that account for where your resources will be needed the most, where they can deploy without roadblocks, and how they can achieve efficient response performance.

Whether you’re refocusing resources, changing station/post locations, or determining first-due areas – ADAM evaluates multiple factors, providing you with advanced planning and decision-support capabilities for achieving unparalleled operational efficiency.


• Analyzes the effect of deployment changes to determine exactly where to place units and staff

• Projects the impact on response performance due to temporary or permanent:

Peak-time unit or new station additions
Station closures
Staffing reductions
Apparatus relocations
Call volume increases
Road closures 
Hospital closures
Changes to hospital wait times

• Visualizes deployment plans with color-coded maps

• Compares alternate deployment scenarios, and provides the optimal location for a new station

• Accounts for your unique department policies for actionable, realistic planning

• Calculates effects on unit availability when adding or removing units from deployment

• Considers GIS and road network data – accounts for current road networks and future road network additions

• Prescriptively generate optimal solutions to a wide range of deployment questions by evaluating countless scenarios – for both long-term and day-to-day challenges

• Runs within ArcMap using Esri add-ins

• Stores GIS layers in geodatabase and shapefile formats

Reviews current workload against historical CAD data

• The CAD Analyst functionality in ADAM evaluates response performance based on:

– Incident type
– Station first-due areas
– Shift, time of day, day of the month, or month of the year
– Risk level

• Reviews current workloads against historical CAD data

• Reports findings with intuitive graphics, reports, and dashboards for compelling budget presentations to community officials

• Aids in creating an accurate and comprehensive Community Risk Assessment/Standards of Cover

• Provides meaningful and impactful data for maximizing both current and future budgets

• Offers location-specific reporting, such as monitoring call volume spikes in “hot spot” areas

• Clearly visualize the positive and negative impacts of multiple, different proposed deployment changes

“Most recently, ADAM served our department very well in identifying a location for the placement of our new fire station. We plan to utilize it in the near future with defining and building response standards and also understanding where we should deploy our next ambulance that we put in service.”

 Dave Hanneman, Fire Chief
Idaho Falls Fire Department

“I use ADAM to measure our performance against all of our benchmarks to see how we’re really performing – to identify where we’re strong and we may be falling short – and to model deployment changes and strategic changes in the way we do business.”

Gordon Routley, Division Chief
Montreal Fire Department
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal

“When we began to seek Accreditation, we realized we had a gap in our data – we needed to make our data accurate, validated and verifiable by outside auditors. We partnered with Deccan to track response performance and provided feedback and information to our company officers to improve response times.”

Jon Henderson, Assistant Chief
Torrance Fire Department

“It matches the times we live in – fire station placement, putting on apparatus or equipment, it was always an emotional response. It’s not good enough anymore with the way the dollars work today, you have to show a risk analysis and justification. Deccan allows you to balance the emotion with the actual, using data to make better decisions.

Larry Collief, Deputy Chief
Osceola County Fire & Rescue

“We use Deccan for festivals and road closures, different events that require we modify our responses. We also use it to make proposals on growth or changes in the make-up of our community. We can predict further into the future using predictive modeling to address problems with development.

Jim Hartman, Former Battalion Chief – Planning and Research
Rochester Fire Department

What happened to CAD Analyst?

Originally, CAD Analyst and ADAM ran as independent applications, though they were always offered together. In the current Esri-based version, the two are combined into one application: ADAM. CAD Analyst still exists as the historical “What is?” side of ADAM and includes all of the previous functionality. It remains key to our process in calibrating ADAM to provide real-world accurate projections of response times.

How can ADAM help our department save money?

The cost of maintaining an apparatus in a station, twenty-four hours, seven days a week can cost upwards of one and a half million dollars a year. Placing that station or apparatus at a less-than-ideal location involves precious tax money going to waste. ADAM can help your department determine the optimal location for your new station, maximizing your budget dollars. In contrast to hiring expensive consultants, ADAM can also help you save money by incorporating the extensive institutional experience and knowledge that already exists in your department, helping you identify the most effective course of action.

We have been told that our fire departments’ budget has been reduced and that we may have to explore the closing of stations. How can ADAM help us address this issue?

ADAM can help identify the areas of strength and weakness in your jurisdiction. By utilizing ADAM, department leaders can perform “What if?” analysis and determine the impact of station closures. In many cases, ADAM has shown clients exact areas of vulnerability due to these station closures and provided a compelling argument to keep a department’s budget intact.

Have your applications made a significant impact in areas which are experiencing high growth?

Absolutely. Some of our current clients experiencing rapid growth are Clark County, City of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, Orange County, FL (including Orlando), as well as Sacramento, Denver, Howard County, and a few others. In these fast-growing areas, Deccan applications help identify the ideal location of new stations, as well as the need for special types of apparatus, such as advanced life support units and paramedic engines based on new projected growth in call volume.  Further, ADAM accounts for the additional workloads that accompany high growth areas, as well as predicted growth projections for a city prior to new stations being added.

Will ADAM work with my CAD system?

ADAM does not require a live connection to a Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The application is built using historical data extracted from these systems, but a live interface is not required. Deccan has experience working with data in the structures used by all major CAD vendors and, in fact, can work with any tabular data, provided the necessary items are present (including, but not limited to timestamps, location data, unit details).

How many years’ worth of CAD data is needed to build ADAM?

Any number of years of historical data can be included for analysis in ADAM. However, when calibrating the predictive model, we typically only look at the most recent data to ensure that current incident trends are portrayed accurately in the application. In larger agencies, one year of data is usually sufficient, though in a smaller local agency, as many as two years might be used to ensure an acceptable level of reference points.

Can we give you data from an RMS instead of CAD?

Deccan’s applications can be built using historical data from multiple sources. Though the use of CAD data is most common, we can also utilize data from RMS (records management systems). In some cases, we have utilized both in order to include all necessary data points. It is worth noting that ADAM focuses on response performance to incidents as units were initially dispatched, rather than what they ended up being. For example, a unit might respond without lights and siren to a low priority call, but it may ultimately end up being classified as a high priority incident. The opposite could also be true. Both would not be accurate reflections of the agency’s ability to respond to various call types. As such, the applications generally do not rely on “incident found” data classifications.

How can ADAM help my agency receive Accreditation?

ADAM gives you the predictive modeling power you need for Accreditation success by equipping you with the necessary tools and support to create an accurate and comprehensive Community Risk Assessment/Standards of Cover document. While creating your SOC, your department can use ADAM to assess current deployment and performance, plan for and maintain response capabilities, create reliable forecasting, and use historical data for reliable future response performance. Our rigorous data processing techniques will give you confidence that the numbers you rely on accurately reflect the reality of your response performance.

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