Achieve the Data clarity and confidence you need for accreditation with deccan
In order to obtain CFAI Accreditation you need accurate data you can trust. Deccan’s rigorous data processing techniques give you confidence that the numbers you rely on are true to the reality of your response performance. We use powerful mathematical calculations and algorithms to analyze projected response performance amid changing service needs and deployment capabilities.
At Deccan, we know accurately estimating future probability of incident distribution requires more than extending historical trends. Our solutions position you for Accreditation success by equipping you with the tools and predictive modeling power you need to create an accurate and comprehensive Community Risk Assessment/Standards of Cover document.
In this webinar you’ll learn how fire departments across the country are using Deccan analytics to evaluate the impact of new developments, population growth, changing demographics, or changing geography on an agency’s response performance to achieve CFAI Accreditation.
Contact our Deccan team today at
Battalion Chief, James Hartman
Rochester, NY Fire Department
Aradhya Agarwal, Product Manager
Deccan International
Joe Rodgriguez
Former VP Sales & Marketing
Deccan International